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Silver Surfer Vape Review

Cbd, Cbd Flower, Guide, Hemp flower, Review, Vaping - Patrick - December 26, 2020

This past weekend I had the privilege of having some alone time with the Silver Surfer Vaporizer by 7th Floor. This would be my first experience with a desktop whip based Vaporizer, why not start with one of the best in this industry! At first look this Vaporizer is really well made and is nice to look at. The base of the unit is sturdy, and will hold strong to avoid any accidental tipping. Normally when using these units I am extra careful with the unit to ensure not to break anything I don’t have spare parts for. With the SSV my only concern was the glass wand and mouthpiece on the whip, common sense was more than enough to keep these safe. The unit I had here was a Blue Ground Glass SSV. This unit also featured the spherical wand and hands free attachment.

Before using the unit, I wanted to get used to the ins and outs of the accessories that the unit comes with. You will see it here that the best part about the vapes are nobody can caught you smoking. Even if it is illegal to consume weed, you can always make use of vaporizers. The other advantage of using vapes is that it is less harmful than the cigarettes. The heating cover was easy to remove, pull it straight up to remove and straight down to replace. The glass knob used to control the temperature is simple to replace and easy enough to use. No real complaints on heat up time other than not all of these units are the same. While a friend of mine was able to get sufficient heat with his knob at about the half way position, I needed to run mine at about the ¾ position to get enough heat for my herbs.

With all of the parts accounted for, it was finally time to fire the Silver Surfer up and get some vaping in! I turned by glass knob to about my desired temperature, and let it heat up. Now the unit took a few minutes to heat up fully. While waiting, I took my finely ground herb and using my whip, I sucked the herb through to pack the wand. Now here is one of my favorite things about the Silver Surfer unit I used. The hands free attachment! To be honest, I am sure I would still really enjoy the Silver Surfer without the hands free attachment, however, having to hold the wand in place while using my vaporizer would really not be ideal. In fact, I am positive I would break or drop either the whip if it wasn’t held in by the hands free attachment.

With the unit fully heated, I went ahead and placed my wand into the heater cover and placed the hands free attachment to keep those together. Now with my very first use, I did not have enough heat (the issue of not all Silver Surfers having the same temperature gauge for the glass knob). I adjusted the glass knob and promptly combusted my herbs. Frustrated, I took a bit more time and adjusted the temperature at small increments. Finally finding a temperature that will not burn my herb, I took my first rip. This Silver Surfer is amazing, I was able to get a good 6-7 hits on a small bowl for myself, plenty of room in there to pack more to share with others. The vapor clouds were just that, they were actual clouds!

The Silver Surfer was a tremendous experience. The SSV has excellent vapor production, easy to use, and simple to maintain. There were only a few concerns, without the hands free attachment it could be tedious to hold the wand to the heating element, especially when medicated. Otherwise, I am well prepared to Ride the Wave for a very long time.

What are the Experts saying?

MotoXchamp – Most intense high

While it is evident that he thoroughly enjoyed the Silver Sufer it must be noted that the review itself is several years old. The review then goes on talk about the difference in highs when vaping compared to smoking out of a bong. He also says that the construction quality of the SSV is top notch and that the unit itself is visually appealing.

“To demonstrate how high you get from a vape I will share my experience with you from yesterday. I had nothing better to do so I vaped almost 2 grams over the course of the day, 1 gram was done in a single session. At the end of the day I barely had a buzz so I packed a large bowl into my bong (about .5 grams) and smoked the whole thing by myself. After waiting 30 minutes the high still felt wimpy compared to my vape which I had been using exclusively for 3 days in a row. To be honest I could barely tell I was high, but then I took 3 rips off of my SSV (with the same weed) and the high grew exponentially, I ate some dinner and then went to sleep. “

Psilocybeing – Save cash on herbs

This is another review from years past but that just speaks to the lasting power of the Silver Surfer vaporizer. After years and years of vaporizer innovation the Silver Surfer still stands out as one of the best desktop vaporizers you can buy. This particular reviewer also made a point of comparing it to the Volcano and notes the significant price difference between the two.

“So with 5 minutes before closing I asked if I could try one in my price range. I tell you my friends that was a $289 bowl, cause after that bowl I was convinced. Mind you I had just consumed two large bags of vapor from the volcano, but I could judge the effects I was getting from the silver surfer quite well….. In the days since, I am more then satisfied with my SSV. It’s impressed a few friends as well. Even one that said he though vaporizers are a waste, and they suck…. He remembers the BC vaporizer. He’s just not hip to all the new stuff. “

Havoc – Tastes Great

Posted on the emerging review website this review of the Silver Surfer comes with a few critiques. Havoc says that while the price of the SSV may be out of reach for some people the handsome finish and unique custom glass justify the price. He calls the Silver Surfer vaporizer durable and efficient, he also talks about the Da Buddha and their similarities.

“With the wand in hand, you can rotate and direct the flow of the heating chamber. the ground glass on glass provides a tight fit, but offers enough play to ensure all of your herb has been vaped. At first some might recoil at the idea of vape that requires two hands, especially with how prolific the handsfree models have become. The difference, I can tell you, is night and day. With a handsfree vape, I always wondered if the herb being held so close to its heating element might cause it to dry out or decrease its efficacy; while I am no scientist, I do enjoy wearing a white lab coat and hypothesizing.”

Bob Dog – Efficiency and Simplicity

One of our favorite vaporizer review websites around posted this glowing review of the Silver Surfer here. While it is safe to say that almost everyone loves the SSV Bob Dog did bring up some important issues that are worth noting. If you are interested in learning about how to operate the Silver Surfer and how to properly clean and maintain the Silver Surfer than I would highly recommend reading his review top to bottom.

“The Silver Surfer is definitely one of the most customizable vaporizers available. The unit itself comes with a very nice bag and a metal stir tool with a glass tip for tapping the herb down. All of the glass components are hand blown in Colorado and can be replaced by a wide variety of custom made pieces. Each SSV comes with clear tubing, but there is colored tubing available to spice up the vaporizer. Even the base of the unit can be swapped out for a range of different colors, making every Silver Surfer special to their owner.”

How to use the Silver Surfer

The Silver Surfer is undoubtedly one of the simplest vaporizers to own and operate but when you first pop it out of the box it can be a bit intimidating. As always we recommend doing as much research as possible first and watching as many videos as you can about the vaporizer before you purchase it or use it. Here are three of our favorite Silver Surfer vaporizer, enjoy!

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Learn More About OG Kush With Ecowatch

Cbd, Cbd Flower, Guide, Health, Hemp flower, OG Kush - Patrick - December 23, 2020

OG Kush is one of the most popular strains of the hemp flower. The strain consists of many cannabinoids, thus enhancing the overall profile of the plant. The most powerful cannabinoid found in the strains of OG Kush is CBD. The strain is mostly known to be a non-psychological activated hemp strain. Thus, this indicates that the negligible amount of THC present will not affect you nor get you hyper. According to ecowatch, you are sure to function properly and normally after smoking such a strain. Besides, you will not come across any feelings of depression or sadness after inhaling these.

Composition And Effects

The effects of OG Kush are many. After inhalation, you will start to feel the effects within a span of a few minutes. It guarantees that you will not feel hyper nor high, but you will generally feel euphoric moments. Besides uplifting your overall mood, your health will also not get affected in any negative way. The negligible THC levels in the strain will not affect your overall mind nor body in any way. Usually, many different strains of the hemp flower mostly cause a feeling of anxiety or paranoia. However, such is not the case with OG Kush flowers. Right after inhaling, you are sure to enhance your feelings of happiness and joy. With ecowatch, you can now gather more information regarding the effects and ways to utilize the hemp flower. Besides inhaling the flower, cbd oil is also available that provides instant relief from anxiety and pain.

Ways To Use

There are many ways in which you can efficiently utilize OG Kush. You have an option of either smoking it or gathering it in a paper, or even lighting the flower. Besides, you can also vaporize the flower and extract essential oils for usage. Although there may be many ways, it is a recommendation that you consider taking the strain by rolling it in a paper. According to consumers, OG Kush has significantly helped in cases of insomnia. Insomnia is a case where a person may not feel sleepy at all. In such cases, taking a puff of OG Kush can arouse feelings of sleepiness in an individual. Besides, the strain also helps you concentrate as well as feel focused. Indeed, OG Kush is sure to significantly take control of your senses apart from giving you feelings of euphoria. Therefore, you can try it out by taking a simple puff of this strain and enjoy the welcoming benefits it has to offer.

Consume the correct amount

Everything is fine as long as it is taken into limitation. Since smoke still has harmful effects on it, it is recommended that you consider taking the strain in limitation since marijuana has both a negative and a positive impact on the overall human body and mind. The strain is now available in a variety of online stores and local markets to help you relieve your feelings of stress and pain.

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Which CBD Gummies are Best for Pain, Sleep & Anxiety?

Cbd, Cbd Flower, Guide, Health, Health and Fitness, Hemp flower - Patrick - December 20, 2020

CBD products can be purchased in different forms. One of the most popular forms is the CBD gummies. The popularity of this product has increased overtime as it is also one of the easiest to consume CBD and because of its effectiveness as well. So, if you are interested in buying CBD gummies, you are in the right place. This article will go through some of the best CBD gummies that you can buy in the market to alleviate your pain, reduce anxiety and enhance the quality of your sleep.

One of the most trusted and reliable CBD gummies is Royal CBD. If you are looking for a high-quality product, then this is certainly one of the great options. Royal CBD products are manufacture from a proprietary vegan friendly formula. While the price of this brand is quite expensive, you can ensure that the gummies are made with precision machinery. Hence, you can ensure that every gummy delivers exactly the same dose of CBD. The reason why CBD gummies need to be very precise and strong is to ensure that they work way effectively every time you consume them especially at not. Furthermore, all of the products created by Royal CBD are THC free. Meaning it doesn’t contain psychoactive properties that could make the consumers high. All of their products are also tested for potency and purity. You can also see their third-party ab test results so you can check all the list of ingredients that they are using in producing high quality CBD gummies. Overall, Royal CBD is a great and excellent brand to consider. As recommended by experts, you should go for the 25 mg version of their gummies for beginners.  You can also buy their products in delicious fruit medley flavors.

Gold Bee is another reliable and high-quality CBD gummies that you can buy in the market. The reason why this brand is highly trusted by consumers is because it is recommended by several online media outlets across the globe. You can buy CBD gummies from Gold Bee in one potency available in 25 mg per gummy. However, if you are a beginner, you can cut the gummy into smaller pieces so you can get a smaller dose. Another great thing about this brand is that it doesn’t contain animal products, harmful stabilizers, THC and other fillers. Gummies from Gold Bee are also thoroughly tested by a third party lab.

Lastly, Blessed CBD Gummies are also one of the best gummies that you can try in the market. This brand is highly trusted and popular in the United Kingdom. Their products are packed in CBD gummies and deliver a dose of 25 mg of CBD. Their gummies have high-potency, made from organically grown hemp plants, third party tested for full transparency and also flavored with a blend of delicious tropical fruit flavors.

These are the top three brands of CBD gummies in the market.  Make sure to do your research before purchasing the right one for you.


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Some Famous Strains Of Popular Cbd Flower Brands

Cbd, Cbd Flower, Guide, Health, Health and Fitness - Patrick - December 19, 2020

Talking about cbd, which abbreviates cannabidiol, is a majorly recognized component involved in the production of drugs (medications) and has been observed to be possessing certain healing abilities. Considering the most dangerous and painful example of the disease, cancer, and cbd has its own set of benefits to portray to address people suffering from this disease. The major issues that cancer patients face are throughout their treatment, they are subjected to a lot of unbearable pain, and though consuming painkillers is a rescue, these too come attached with a lot of side effects. In such a case, cbd is a great alternative to help cancer patients deal with the pain they are meant to undergo. However, this article intends to put forth the famous strains of some popular cbd flower brands.

The famous brands and their strains

Each brand differs from the other based on a certain factors such as the growing practices adopted by the brand, its reputability as a brand, its transparency parameters regarding its products, and the shopping environment that a particular brand has to offer. Therefore, based on the criteria as mentioned earlier, some famous brands and their strains enlisted as premium quality may be listed as follows:

  • The Chief botanicals:

this particular brand is famous as they completely rely on organic practices. However, this particular brand’s well-recognized strains are the Hawaiian Haze, lifter, sour space candy, sour diesel, and cbg flower. Apart from the availability of various varieties of strains, the fact that the brand’s products come at affordable rates makes it the leading contender in the market.

  • Canna flower:

this brand too differs from all others as they stand the test of clearness towards its consumers, ultimately leading to a high customer satisfaction level. This brand, in itself, is the best variety of strains. This is the most relied upon and worth buying the brand for people actively associated with cbd.

  • Cbd shaman:

this particular brand specifically promotes wellness. They are high in concentration of terpene enriched cbd oil. Their services and premium quality make it high on demand in the market.

  • Secret nature:

the company adopts eco-friendly means of production but in small batches. It is highly natural and free from THC. This brand posses a range of other products too.

  • Tweedle farms:

this particular brand mostly focuses on cbd as a strain, and hence, their varieties of products are special sauce and four strain mystery samplers.

Sum up:

To conclude, cbd as a strain has its benefits on one end and its disadvantages on the other end if not consumed in the right concentration. Thus, this is a concern that needs to be looked into with due care. For more relevant information on the topic, kindly feel free to visit the site as it will provide you with in-depth knowledge about cbd that is essential for you know before embarking on your cbd consumption journey. To ensure betterment from CBD product, check the ingredients twice before buying

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