The top fall 2008 handbags from Coach prove to be an interesting and classically designed collection of well made, fine leather and canvas bags staying in tune with the reputation of Coach. Where Coach is a high end handbag and one can expect to pay more for the popular handbags, Coach has been in business for years and offers their customers a guarantee as well as registration that support the products purchased. A practical purchase from the top fall 2008 handbags from Coach is a lifetime purchase as their bags are made to last a lifetime.
Coach is one brand that lasts for the longest possible time, especially when it comes to handbags and their clout is so great that women flock in large numbers to purchase the latest design as soon as it comes out in the market. In order to better understand the brand as a whole, do read the luxurytastic replicas review given below and reach out to the nearest store in your vicinity by purchasing Coach handbags of the highest order.
One of the top fall 2008 handbags from Coach is the Madison Collection of Coach Handbags. One of the styles in particular brings back the structure of the satchel in the Sabrina Bag. The Sabrina Bag from Coach offers the comfort of a satchel and a shoulder bag with a detachable 22″ strap designed to clip to the bottom of the bag when being used as a satchel. Made from Italian leather with brass accents the Sabrina Bag from Coach is available in a wide variety of colors including; Berry, Black, Magenta, Espresso, and Putty. Definitely one of the top fall 2008 handbags from Coach the Sabrina Bag from the Madison Collection retails for $358.00 (
Another of the top fall 2008 handbags from Coach from the Madison Collection is the Op Art Julianne. Made from Op-Art Sateen print fabric and trimmed leather, this popular print bag is another combination of the satchel and shoulder cross-body combination offering the purchaser a wide variety of styling options. The nice sized bag measures 12 ¼” L x 12 ¾” H x 4″ W with a 16″ handle and an approximate 5 ¾” drop. The Op Art Julianne has a zip-top closure, inside pocket, in addition to several multi-use pockets for storing electronics. Available in either black, khaki, or brown, Op Art Julianne one of the top fall 2008 handbags from Coach retails for $378.00 (
A favorite from among the Madison Collection and definitely one of the top fall 2008 handbags from Coach is the Zoe Tote Bag. The Zoe Tote Bag is available in a wide variety of fabrics including; leather, suede and canvas in addition to solid, print, and patchwork styles. One of the practical of the Zoe Bags and a good fashion investment is the Leather Zoe Toe, which is available in antique gold, black or chocolate. Measuring 12 ¼” L x 10 ¼” H x 4″ W, the leather Zoe Tote offers features such as an inside zip pocket, top zip closure, inside pockets for electronics, fabric lining and more. The retail price for the Leather Zoe one of the top fall 2008 handbags from Coach is $378.00 ( For more information on the top fall 2008 handbags from Coach visit the official web site for Coach.