If you’re looking for a way to take your Cpremium CBD tincture for sale under your tongue, then there are several different options that work better than others. The easiest way is to use a dropper and drop your CBD oil in your mouth.
However, since the dropper can be hard to get into certain parts of your mouth or if your lip is dry, it can be difficult to keep track of exactly how much CBD oil you’ve taken.
The other ways to take CBD oil under your tongue are:
Using an applicator from the manufacturer
Sucking on a cotton ball with CBD oil
Waxing your tongue
In this article we will discuss three easy ways to take CBD oil under your tongue so you have many options.
Easy Ways to Take CBD Oil Under Your Tongue
These methods require very little effort, but they do have their drawbacks.
Dropping a CBD Oil Dropper under Your Tongue
This method has some advantages over the others because it’s not as messy, and you can easily control the amount of CBD oil you ingest by using a dropper. To make this method easier, I recommend purchasing a CBD oil dropper bottle. It will come with a dropper that makes it really simple to dose your CBD oil.
To use this method, just place your dropper under your tongue and apply the necessary dosage directly to your gums or inner cheek. You should aim for between 1-2 milligrams of CBD oil per dose. This method is best when taking CBD oil sublingually.
Sucking on a Cotton Ball With CBD Oil
This method is similar to the previous one except instead of putting the dropper under your tongue, you simply suck on a cotton ball with the CBD oil. This method is great for people who are afraid of swallowing CBD oil because it won’t be absorbed into your blood stream. If this is something that concerns you, try sticking a dropper under your tongue.
Again, for maximum effectiveness, aim for about 1mg of CBD oil per dose. For extra help, you can also add some food coloring to the CBD oil before sucking on the cotton ball. Food coloring will give you a clear indication of how much CBD oil you’ve swallowed.
Gumming CBD Oil
Gumming CBD oil takes advantage of the fact that most CBD oil dissolves slowly, which allows you to swallow small amounts without feeling nauseated. But it only works because you’re able to hold the CBD oil in your mouth longer than normal. So for this reason, gumming CBD oil isn’t recommended unless you can hold the CBD oil in your mouth for at least 30 seconds before swallowing it.
You can buy CBD oil tinctures, but they aren’t as effective for this purpose because they dissolve too quickly for you to get the full benefit of them without swallowing the whole thing. Another alternative is to put CBD oil in a capsule and chew it like gum.
When choosing what kind of CBD oil to take, look for a product that contains 50mg or less of CBD per serving. A larger serving size may cause you to experience a high after you swallow it. This is especially true if you’re new to CBD oil.
As mentioned above, adding food coloring to the CBD oil before chewing could provide a visual clue of how much CBD oil you’ve ingested. However, some people find that this causes them to gag or even vomit. So for safety reasons, avoid adding food coloring to your CBD oil.
If you choose to go this route, then you might want to consider mixing CBD oil with honey. Honey helps to reduce the bitterness of CBD oil. Also, combining CBD oil with honey provides another option for those who fear swallowing CBD oil. One tablespoon of CBD oil mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey would probably be enough to get the desired effect.
The only downside to this approach is that you need to remember to mix your CBD oil and honey together before each dose. Otherwise, you risk having both ingredients separate out in your mouth while you’re taking the CBD oil.
You can also purchase CBD salves that are designed specifically for chewing. These CBD salves usually contain CBD along with essential oils such as lavender or peppermint. You can use these CBD salves to help calm your anxiety or help you fall asleep more easily. They also tend to taste better than other forms of CBD oil.
Just be aware that CBD salves are quite expensive, so it may be worth trying out other forms of CBD first before buying any CBD salves.
Another good resource for finding CBD salves is the Cannabidiol Salve website. They offer a wide range of CBD salves, including one called “Relief” that claims to relieve pain and inflammation anywhere in your body.
While all of these methods are fairly easy to use, you should avoid them if you have any health conditions that might be aggravated by consuming CBD oil. Some of these conditions include, but are not limited to:
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Kidney issues
Liver problems
Thyroid disorders
For more information about the effects of CBD oil on specific conditions, please see our list of the top 10 CBD products for sleep, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.